
Select Year:

Next 15 Group PLC – Trading update & Contract non-renewal

PPHE Hotel Group Ltd – H1 – good trading in the core, slight delay in pipeline

Bloomsbury Publishing PLC – Strength beyond the bestseller headlines

SThree PLC – H124 results and ECM webinar feedback

Next 15 Group PLC – FY25 AGM update: In-line with expectations

Made Tech Group PLC – FY24 trading update – trading in line and cash ahead

SThree PLC – H124 update – trading in line with expectations

Made Tech Group PLC – Initiation of Coverage – Benefiting from a digital shift

PPHE Hotel Group Ltd – Q124 update – trading is in line

Next 15 Group PLC – FY24 Final Results – Poised for an upturn

SThree PLC – Q1’24 update – trends similar to the end of FY23

PPHE Hotel Group Ltd – FY23 results – EBITDA is 3% better than our estimate

SThree PLC – FY23 Final Results – peer group leading performance

Next 15 Group PLC – FY24 Full Year update – Green shoots hardening